Ep. 53 – “I Hate When You Do Things That Make Me Upset”

Right out the box the OG pits another “Who wins in a fight” on youse, this one involving two of the top “Who’s worse” candidates, and these are two of the top strappers that ever strapped. It’s a posit that inspires some good, healthy, vitriol. Later, the boys delve into a discussion about parenting; specifically the idea of using physical violence to discipline children and the generational variations of what discipline is. The conversation takes on convention and addresses the “back in MY day” crowd. In Biz talk, more in-depth discussion of the evolution of Broken Matt Hardy and what is to become of the brothers. Will they end up with Vince? What’s going to happen at Wrestlemania? Speculation abounds and Vinnie and the OG proffer their theories. As expected, the usual gimmicks make an appearance; Vinnie takes another walk down the dark road that is “Dear Vin,” A Cheapo Tip is offered, Word Association goes for a round, The Professor reads emails from the BSB mailbag, and everybody pits up some excellent recommendations for youse. It’s the Broad Street Breakdown: Where were you while we were getting high…