Ep. 68 – “Treadmill Trousers or Just Poles and Crevices?”

While marveling over the Blo’s prodigious and voluminous bouffant, a challenge is extended to the listening audience: a better bouffant? We dare you to find one that outshines the glorious tresses of The Professor. Afterwards, on the eve of Manson’s death, the crew discusses Charlie’s impact on history, society, and American culture at large. If Charlie is the hate that hate made, how much responsibility rests on the shoulders of the society that created him? As usual the requisite gimmicks are played: Tall Paul’s Word Association is back, “Dear Vin” is an epiphany of madness, the world of Chep is examined in “Cheap or Crazy,” Gimmick Gang emails are read and answered, and the BSB sends youse home with some choice recommendations. It’s The Broad Street Breakdown: I am a nightmare walking, psychopath talking king of my jungle just a gangster stalking…