Ep. 59 – “One Simple Thread Can Get You Dead”

The crew is down to a trio this week as the Sicko is absent from this episode and nearly taps from illness. Right off the bat, The Professor’s comments lead to a game of “F, Marry, Kill,” with members of the Gimmick Gang being the subjects. It’s as disturbing as it sounds. Vinnie offers up a touching eulogy for Prodigy.  After that, a discussion of Bill Cosby trial begins. Does wealth trump the system? The crew examines the entitlement of ego and the hubris of a very disturbed man, and the bizarre worship of celebrity so prevalent in our culture. Vinnie and OG then discuss the Russo vs. Cornette battle. In absence of the Sicko, Vinnie takes over the word association gimmick. “Dear Vin” brings its usual incoherent madness, The Professor tells you how to get over on the cable companies, we dip into the BSB Mailbag, and, as always, we send youse home with some recommendations. It’s the Broad Street Breakdown: “There must be some misunderstanding…”