Ep. 63 – “Litigious: The Biggest Titties You’ve Ever Seen”

After a lengthy hiatus the BSB crew is back and there is much to discuss and a lot of catching up to do. The Sicko starts it off with an exclusive announcement about a new book his company will be publishing. The Professor recounts another trip “down da shore,” complete with a preemptive Cheapo Tip. The OG recounts the shooting of the latest Done Deal video. Triple Lindy Pazzy talks about his latest Jedi Mind Tricks tour while invoking the Revenge of the Nerds series of films as well as describing adventures trying to cross the border into Canada. Frank Vincent and Grant Hart are memorialized. Biz talk is back: Steen rules, AJ rules, and Raw is shit. But Smackdown was fucking brilliant. Biz talk leads into OG’s story about how he watched McGregor/Mayweather. The usual gimmicks make the rounds: Tall Paul’s magic box of suggestions fuels the Word Association game, the maniacs represent in “Dear Vin,” The Talent brings his Cheapo Tip and the crew answers questions from the Gimmick Gang. Everything wraps up with the boys’ recommendations and everyone goes home happy. It’s The Broad Street Breakdown: DERNT!